Mobile Friendly Websites

Take a look around on any train or bus, in any airport, or even around the meeting table at work and you will see people glued to their smartphones. These are your potential customers and is becoming more and more important for businesses to tailor their online experience to their mobile users.

Google conducted an independent survey in 2012 titled “What Users Want Most From Mobile Sites Today.” About 67 percent of the responders indicated they would be more likely to purchase a product or service from a business that built a mobile friendly website. 61 percent of users also said they would leave a website that was not a mobile friendly website so it is very clear that having a mobile friendly site is more important than ever.

What Your Customers Want

At Wicked Webs, we understand the demands of your customers are changing day by day which is why all of our websites are mobile friendly and fully responsive.
A responsive website changes the way it displays depending on the device viewing it. In other words, it responds to the viewing device and its screen resolution. It even changes its layout based on the orientation of the device.

If you would like to know more about our responsive mobile friendly websites, for your new venture or for your existing website, please contact us.
